Suppressed 7k dollar Fight Lite MCR upper on a $40 Anderson lower with a FRT Trigger! Big Dick Ballistics 0:18 1 year ago 6 755 Далее Скачать
FRT Belt Fed AR with Machine Gunner Pack Test Fire - Alternate Angle Speegs23 0:17 2 years ago 707 003 Далее Скачать
The SawKiller | Overview of the MCR Beltfed AR15 by Fightlite Industries Arm&Gun 10:02 5 years ago 252 047 Далее Скачать
You can own a belt fed, (M249S and Fightlite MCR, featuring kit setup) Garand Thumb 26:44 2 years ago 2 261 234 Далее Скачать